Damnsle Inthis-Dress

poety, rants, and self-loathing self-acceptance...what could be more fun difficult annoying ridiculous outrageous?

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Location: NW OH

Je pense, donc je doute. Je suis. Je pense.

Friday, November 26, 2010


You know how sometimes I can be really, really stupid?

Ok, so, I'm watching Battlestar Galactica, the reboot of the '70s show that was playing on SciFi. It was extremely popular by all accounts, but I never watched it - didn't seem my thing. Well, I've heard really good things about it from other geeks online, and now it's available on Netflix, so...watching it.

It's an extremely violent show - lot's of blood and gore going on; humans versus Cylons - a robotic race created by humans that rebelled and who now want to exterminate humans, yadda, yadda, yadda. The show actually has a very good back story and some ancient Greek theological beliefs that would take too long to explain here. One thing I do want to say though, that really impressed me, was the way they transitioned the look of the '70s show into the 2000s: they explained all the "old technology, like phones with cords" and such by saying that although their society was very technologically advanced, they scrapped all that when the Cylons rebelled because things like networked computers and WiFi worked in the robots favor and was easily hackable and vulnerable to viruses. So they did away with digital and went back to analog. It's really very elegant of the writers.

Anyway, the real reason I'm writing this (and the way wherein my stupidity becomes apparent) has to do with the aforementioned blood and gore bits. People are always getting cut up, or damaged in some way, or standing nearby when someone else gets cut up and they are then face-splashed with the resulting spew of blood (there is always a spew). So people are constantly running around with streaks and drips and drabs of blood on their faces - sometimes their own, sometimes not. The point is, it never fucking dries. It always look red and shiny and fresh, and human blood does not act that way when it's on TOP of the skin, rather than below, where it prefers to be. It turns rusty brown, or black (depending on quantity) and gets really flaky and dirt-looking and itchy.

I know this.

So here's where the stupid comes in.

For some reason, I honestly don't know why, the depiction of blood in the show finally got to me. So I did a google search to prove (to whom, I have no idea) that THAT is NOT what dried blood does.

Never, never, never, ever do a google image search for "dried blood".

Just...don't. Gods, I'm fucking stupid sometimes. I can never unsee that.


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