Damnsle Inthis-Dress

poety, rants, and self-loathing self-acceptance...what could be more fun difficult annoying ridiculous outrageous?

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Location: NW OH

Je pense, donc je doute. Je suis. Je pense.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Yeah...I suck.

I don't know if it's obvious from the quality of the posts and the poems, but I'm recently in love. And, oh my love... It's so nice to feel this way again, even if it's not real. I've had so much shit in my life, so much non-sensible bullshit, so much hatred and self-loathing (thus the theme of the blog comes in) that I wondered if I would ever feel the longing for another again. And while the pain is exquisite and the hope is devastating, I just live for the touch again. I want so much to be touched again. oh, I so should not be allowed to drink and type. This is where regrets begin, I know it. Nothing good can come from so much bourbon...


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